Do It Yourself

The Jackson Shopper Online

4 Budget-Friendly Ideas to Freshen Up Indoor Spaces

4 Budget-Friendly Ideas to Freshen Up Indoor Spaces

When cooler days keep you inside, you may find yourself bored with your surroundings. Waiting for the sun to make its next appearance can provide the perfect opportunity to give your indoor spaces a fresh and appealing mini makeover. Even if your budget is tight, you can still make small changes to transform a room.

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7 Ways to Creatively Display Favorite Photos

7 Ways to Creatively Display Favorite Photos

Family photos, vacation pictures, candid snapshots of friends and family – they’re often visual representations of some of your most treasured moments, so it’s likely you’ll want to give them some special treatment. Consider these easy and affordable ways to showcase some of your favorite photos.

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7 Garden Growing Basics for Beginners

7 Garden Growing Basics for Beginners

Growing your own produce is an all-around smart practice, from the money you’ll save at the grocery store to the contributions you can make toward a cleaner planet. Maintaining a garden takes some effort, but it’s a project even a beginner can tackle with ease. Consider these tips to start growing your at-home garden.

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Make a Positive Impact by Planting a Tree

Make a Positive Impact by Planting a Tree

There are countless ways you can make your environmental contributions felt. If you’d like to join millions of others in the fight for Mother Earth, consider one of the most popular gifts given back to the world each year: planting a tree. Consider these tips to properly plant a tree in your own yard.

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5 Handy Ways to Jumpstart Productivity in Your Workspace

5 Handy Ways to Jumpstart Productivity in Your Workspace

Designing a project workspace can take your creativity to new heights. Whether you’re into woodworking, metalworking, building models or repairing bikes or tools, having the right space allows you to focus on creating and enjoying each project to the fullest. Set up a workspace that lets you explore your passion with these tips.

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Budget-Friendly Ideas to Boost Curb Appeal

Budget-Friendly Ideas to Boost Curb Appeal

Your home’s first big impression is its curb appeal, so if your place is in need of some sprucing up, you may wonder how you can make some updates without breaking the bank. These 10 ideas are easy on budgets, but they can make a big impact on your home’s exterior image.

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