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5 Tips to Simplify Your Workday

5 Tips to Simplify Your Workday

Optimizing your workday through careful preparation and effective time management can create a more harmonious balance between your professional and personal life. Finding ways to simplify the day, both at home and on the job, can help you make the most of every minute, so you feel less rushed and better prepared to manage whatever the day throws your way.

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Going Green in Your Community

Going Green in Your Community

Preserving your community for future generations can take many forms. Taking steps to protect the environment is a critical way to ensure your community remains safe and livable for generations to come. These ideas show that going green can be as simple as making small modifications to everyday actions you already take.

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Overview of news around Jackson, Michigan for the week of July 1-5, 2024

Overview of news around Jackson, Michigan for the week of July 1-5, 2024

This week, Jackson, Michigan, is bustling with activity as residents and visitors prepare for Fourth of July celebrations, navigate changes in city leadership, and enjoy a variety of community events. From free transportation services to the reopening of local attractions, the city is alive with excitement and progress. Key developments include public safety updates, economic boosts, and ongoing projects that highlight Jackson's dynamic community spirit and commitment to growth and well-being.

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4 Ways Students Can Develop Entrepreneurial Skills

4 Ways Students Can Develop Entrepreneurial Skills

Young people who aspire to become prominent business professionals can now get a head start on the knowledge and skills necessary to become successful entrepreneurs before they ever leave high school. If you, or a student in your life, is set on embarking on a challenging and rewarding path toward economic success, explore those entrepreneurial interests with these tips.

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DIY Car Care Everyone Can Do

DIY Car Care Everyone Can Do

While taking your car to an auto service professional is a great way to ensure its performance, there are few simple vehicle checks that you can easily learn and do yourself to save a little money and help keep your vehicle running efficiently all summer long

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Fighting Food Insecurity Across the Country

Fighting Food Insecurity Across the Country

To help fight food insecurity in America, a network of refurbished refrigerators containing free, fresh food for anyone in need has been placed across the country since launching in 2021. The program is expanding to 13 additional U.S. markets with a target of placing 3,000 refrigerators by 2030.

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How High-Speed Internet Can Help Spark Community Vitality

How High-Speed Internet Can Help Spark Community Vitality

Most Americans consider high-speed internet an essential household service. Yet in rural America, an estimated 25% of the population doesn’t have access to broadband, limiting their economic growth and access to career opportunities and resources such as education and health care. Consider these three core areas where high-speed internet is changing lives for the better.

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The Jackson Shopper


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