January 10, 1924: Bruce F. Kinmont, well known retired druggist, died at his home, 206 Irwin Ave., at 8:45 o’clock this morning… Mrs. Kinmont passed away a few years ago and the deceased is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Walter Kittinger of this city.
January 10, 1924: H. H. Nutter, Deputy Great Incohonee of the Improved Order of Red Men, is in Albion from Martinsville, IN, for the purpose of organizing a local Tribe of Red Men. Mr. Nutter will give an address Friday evening at 7:30 at the Moose Temple, on “Redmanship,” to which the public is cordially invited.
January 11, 1924: House No. 26 in the Albion Malleable Iron Company’s addition was quarantined today for diphtheria, two children in the place being ill with that disease. Dr. P. P. Serio, health officer, stated today that quarantine for smallpox would be removed within a couple of days from the Dunlop residence on W. Chestnut St.
Frank D. Martin is now the sole owner and manager of the Elmer Creamery at Devereaux. The name has been changed from the Elmer Creamery Company to the Martin Creamery Company.
January 18, 1924. Headlines: “Dr. Dickie says Dr. Laird Must Quit Presidency. President Emeritus of Albion College Says That the Continuance of President Laird as Head of Institution is Impossible.” “President Laird is Hissed from College Rostrum. Students Stage Wild Scenes at Chapel Today.”
January 22, 1924. Headline: “Dr. Laird Quits. Resignation of College Head is Accepted. Albion’s Senior Professor to be Acting “Prexy.”
The small building on N. Albion St. near Chestnut, occupied by the Bilicke Brothers’ lunch-room and soft drink place, was damaged by fire this morning at 9 o’clock.
January 23, 1924: A quantity of shoes shipped to the R. J. Frost shoe-store in this city, it was learned today, were stolen from a freight-car in the local yards alongside the MCRR freight-depot, Sunday night. Two New York Central detectives were in the city last night attempting to get a clue concerning the thieves, who broke into the car to get the shoes.
January 25, 1924: Albert Schwer is Victim of Accident Here. Instantly Killed When Struck by Falling Pipe. The top of his skull crushed in by a falling piece of heavy iron pipe, Albert W. Schwer, 205 W. Cass St., a native of Albion and a former member of the city police force, was almost instantly killed Thursday afternoon about 5:15 at the plant of the Albion Malleable Iron Company.
January 28, 1924: School Teachers Sued for $1,000. Albert Boulton, Irwin Ave., started suit today in Circuit Court at Marshall for $1,000 damages against Misses Esther O’Dell and Lucile Scott, teachers at the Dalrymple School. The suit is based on alleged injuries caused to Boulton’s children when the teachers, the bill of complaint alleges, punished them at school.
January 31, 1924: The Albion agency for the Buick automobile, which has been in the hands of D. M. McAuliffe, will be handled starting tomorrow, February 1 by the Engstrom Tire Company S. Superior St., it was announced today.