They found several persons in the place drinking moonshine whiskey, they stated, as well as two gallons of liquor, which they confiscated.”
March 5, 1923. “City and county officers early Sunday morning made liquor raids to four local residences, made six arrests for liquor law violations, and confiscated over one hundred gallons of alleged illicit liquor. At the home of Frank Topa, a Russian living at 809 S. Dalrymple St., the officers were unable to find any liquor but confiscated about a half a dozen empty five-gallon containers that recently had been filled with booze, they stated. At the home occupied by Calvares Sabastrano, an Italian living at 612 Williams St., over one hundred gallons of wine were found in the cellar.”
March 10, 1923. “Marshall Students May Pay High for Celebration Over Defeat of Albion. To celebrate a 24 to 15 score basketball victory Wednesday night over Albion, bitter rival of years, the entire high school skipped, spending the entire day celebrating the event. Students met at the corner of State and Jefferson Sts. and instead of starting for school, formed a snake dance. The mob wended through Main St. and the business district, collecting students as it went.”
March 12, 1923. “H.R. Radtke and R. Hire have started a bake shop at 216 W. Center St. James McGuire is confined to his farm home on the west side of Duck Lake, as the result of a slight stroke. William Wright, Adams St., was displaying three live frogs yesterday, caught near the river. Spring is on the way.”
March 13, 1923. Headline: “First Sod is Turned up for New Hospital. Mayor A. L. Young Uses Shovel This Morning.”
March 15, 1923. “The City of Albion is to have Eastern time this year from April 1 to November 18, inclusive. The annual daylight savings ordinance being passed last night by the City Council.”
March 15, 1923. “David Ingram, colored proprietor of a store on Albion St., was acquitted this morning by a jury of the killing of Clarence Wilkins, colored janitor of the Albion Post Office.”
March 17, 1923. “For the second time this winter, the residence of Prof. H. L. Ewbank on Bidwell St. is quarantined for diphtheria.” “The site of the new Sheldon Memorial Hospital on S. Superior St. is a busy place these days, a number men and teams being employed there on the excavation for the basement of the new structure.”
March 19, 1923. “To Disinter Remains of Zelon Lake. An inquest, to determine whether or not Zelon Lake, Jackson man who died December 26 at Jonesville under peculiar circumstances, and whose remains were interred in the Marengo Cemetery, came to his death by poisoning or other foul play, will be held within the next few days, Coroner George M. Markle of Albion announced today.”
March 19, 1923. “The members of the Marengo Methodist church are rehearsing a lay which will be given in the near future. The proceeds will be used to build and equip a basement to the church which will be open at all times as a social center for the village.” “Louis Pasick and Carl Rick, two Albion men accused of violation of the liquor laws, were taken to Battle Cree this morning for appearance in circuit court. Pasick was arrested by local officers November 20 for manufacturing liquor, and Rick’s apprehension occurred December 30, for selling liquor.”
March 21, 1923. “Lake’s Body is Exhumed at Marengo. The body of Zelon Lake, Jackson man thought to have been poisoned at the home of Lee McCarty in Jonesville December 26, two hours after eating at a family dinner, were exhumed from the cemetery at Marengo this morning.”
March 23, 1923. “Mrs. Marjorie Kuhn, believed to be a material witness in the mysterious death of Zelon Lake, Jackson man at Jonesville December 26, is in the county jail, held without bond until a coroner’s jury in Calhoun County decides upon the cause of Lake’s death.”
March 24, 1923. Headline: “William Wolcott is Given a Long Term. Albion Man Convicted of Robbing John Tabor at His Shack is Given Sentence of From Five to Twelve Years.”