History of Local 413, International Molders’ and Foundry Workers’ Union of North America. The Molders and Foundry Workers of Albion saw that foundry employees all over the country were organized and were getting more pay and better working conditions. So, a committee of each of the three foundries in Albion got together and started to get organized. At first, we couldn’t even get a hall to hold meetings. But as we went along, we grew in membership. And thanks to the Loyal Order of the Moose whose members could see far enough ahead and let us hold our meetings in their hall where we are still meeting at this time.
The Charter was granted to our members on the 13th of September, 1937. Our officers at that time were as follows: President, J.D. Phillips; Vice-President Clarence Kelly; Recording Secretary Freda Radtke; Fin. Secretary Frank Jasienski; Corresponding Representative Palmer Sheppard; Treasurer, Henry Ribbey. Internal difficulties arose which resulted in the Gale Mfg. employees asking for and receiving a charter of their own.
We went along with some increase in pay and better working conditions. We progressed pretty well from there by exerting every effort to settle our grievances over the conference table. We signed our first Union shop contract with the Albion Malleable Iron Company early in 1941, and since that time many improvements in working conditions have been forthcoming.
Our members are working 100 percent on this War effort and will do so ‘til the War is won. We have given over $500 to the U.S.O. in their last drive and to date Local 413 has purchased $1,200 in War Bonds. We also belong to the Albion Central Body, being a charter member.
A few of the leaders to whom this organization is indebted to for its progress are: Zeb Pierce, Henry Ribbey, Joe Makara, Gus Kabel, Joe Hummel, Paul Weishar, Red Baker, and many others.
The officers of Local 413 at present are: President, John Simmons; Vice-president, John Beyers; Recording Secretary Joe Hummel; Corresponding. Representative Thurman Huff; Finance Secretary Paul Weishar; Treasurer, Joe Calvaruso; Trustees: William Harris, Avelt Nass, and Joe Hummel. On the Seniority Committee are Gus Kabel, chairman; Zeb Pierce, Lloyd Haynes, John Simmons, Art Musser, and Ray Bricker.
Local 413 meets the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings at 8 pm. and the 2nd and 4th Saturday at 2:30 pm of each month at Labor Hall, 3rd floor of Moose Hall.
From our Historical Notebook this week we present a 1942 yearbook photo of delegates to the Albion Central Union Body. Front row from left to right: Ira Morgan, Joe Hummel, Paul Weishar, Freda Radtke, Joe Calvaruso, John Beyers. Center row: Willie Harris, Zeb Pierce, Ray Bricker, E. W. Robinson, George Wilkinson, Charles Maddux, Clarence Dickerson. Top row: John Simmons, Thurman Huff, William Howard, Police Chief Harry McAuliffe. How many of our readers recognize any of the names mentioned in this article?