An association of senior citizens was active in the early 20th century called the Three-Quarters-Century Club. That meant you had to be at least 75 years old to be a member of this club. The Club served as a senior citizens activity and fellowship group. Local chapters were organized in various communities across the country. During the early 1930s, president of the national group was Dr. John Kellogg (of sanitarium fame) of Battle Creek, who made the movement part of his "Race Betterment Program." Their slogan was, "Let’s Live a Little Longer." Their club charter stated, “All persons admitted to the club shall be required to sign a promise to do their best to live to the age of One Hundred Years.”
The Albion chapter of the group was organized on June 30, 1929 upon encouragement from the Battle Creek chapter. The original officers and their ages were: Horace B. Farley (81), president; Albert L. Braden (84), vice-president; and Mrs. Helen Ostrom Eldridge (78), secretary-treasurer. There were 89 original members.
The group held annual meetings and provided entertainment, music, art, bake sales, picnics, travelogues, and other programs during its existence during the years of the Great Depression. One unique event was the wedding of two of its members, Mrs. Mildred Harmon to Henry J. Burkwalt on July 8, 1932. Both were 77 years old. 350 persons packed the First Presbyterian Church for the event. The marriage was mentioned by radio broadcaster Lowell Thomas on his evening nationwide newscast.
The most significant thing produced by this group was the book entitled Albion’s Milestones and Memories, published in 1932 at the local Art Craft Press on W. Porter Street. Compiled by historian Miriam Krenerick, the book proclaimed itself the "centennial edition," a reference to the arrival of the first white settler in 1832. Mrs. Krenerick was a prominent leader of the Three-Quarters-Century Club and directed its programs through the 1940s until ill health forced her to discontinue the club.
This 168-page soft-cover orange color covered book is a standard Albion history reference. It contains many personal accounts from Club members and is worthy of reading, even today. The book contains a listing of the group’s members, their home address, their state or country of birth, birthdate, and an "In Memoriam" section which lists death dates of deceased members. A detailed history of the Club begins on page 23.
The book is filled with early histories of Albion and prominent pioneers, as well as biographies of Club members. The histories of numerous Albion clubs and organizations are covered, as well as municipal departments, utilities, industries, and educational institutions found here.
From our Historical Notebook this week we present the original members of the Albion Three-Quarters Century Club on the steps of Washington Gardner High School on June 20, 1929 at their organizational meeting. Seated on the far-right end in front holding his white hat is Jacob Perine, Albion’s oldest Civil War veteran. Club president Horace B. Farley is near the top in the center, wearing a striped tie. Secretary-treasurer Helen Eldridge is seated in the center of the front row holding a cloth on her leg. How many of our readers are 75 years of age or older? Gosh, I hope not all of them.