5 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Fresh and Clean
(Family Features) A clean and inviting home doesn’t just look tidy, it smells pleasantly refreshing, too. However, running a household can be a stinky business and it may take some special effort to make your living spaces feel more welcoming.
Consider these sensible ideas to improve the scents throughout your home:
Bring the Outside In
Fresh air is a terrific option for banishing bad smells. Throwing open windows creates a cross breeze that can chase stale, musty air away in a hurry. You can also improve your air quality by adding house plants, which naturally help purify the air by absorbing pollutants and exchanging carbon dioxide for oxygen. Plants like jasmine, eucalyptus and gardenias also offer their own pleasant scents.
Refresh Soft Surfaces
Textiles and other soft surfaces throughout your home easily trap odor-causing bacteria, dust and other particles that can contribute to unsavory smells. That’s why it’s a good idea to regularly give the rugs, carpet, bedding, throw pillows, curtains and other soft surfaces throughout your home a deep cleaning. If you can’t machine wash an item, use a vacuum with a hose attachment to remove as many hidden particles as possible.
Install a Heated Towel Rack
Damp spaces like bathrooms are breeding grounds for bacteria. If you notice a musty smell in the bathroom but can’t pinpoint the source, it may be your towel. That’s especially true if, like many people, you reuse a towel several times before washing it. Hang-drying your towel may not be enough to chase away smell-inducing bacteria. However, the growth of bacteria is reduced on heat-dried towels by as much as 99%, according to a study commissioned by Amba Products. What’s more, in the study, a heat-dried towel produced a fresh smell over a seven-day period, whereas an unheated sample produced a musty odor by the fourth day.
With a variety of styles and finishes to fit almost any decor, the line of heated towel racks produces radiant heat to gently warm and dry towels. That can help eliminate moisture, resulting in less growth of mold and mildew. They also offer time, water and energy savings, plus some models come ready to use and take as little as 5 minutes to set up.
Simmer Fresh Aromas
If you need to add a pleasant scent in a hurry, such as just before hosting a special event for guests, consider simmering something that smells delicious on the stove. Simmering a blend of orange slices, cloves and cinnamon in a pot of water over low heat produces a subtle, pleasing scent that doesn’t overpower the room. Diffusers, candles and room sprays can also help add appealing smells in rooms that may need some extra attention.
Clean Common Culprits
Every household has some common culprits and, if you’re noticing smells, you may need to step up your game to keep these areas clean. Trash cans, litter boxes and pet beds all need regular attention that goes beyond the basics. Make a point of not only emptying the trash but also cleaning the trash can itself. Don’t just scoop the litter box. Replace the entire pan at least weekly. Strip and wash the exterior covering of pet beds and air out the cushion.
Keeping your home clean and smelling great does not have to be complicated. Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule and incorporating ways to purify and enhance the air can make the space more enjoyable. To get your home refresh started, visit ambaproducts.com.
SOURCE: Amba Products