"January 5, 1922. "Proposition Carries for New School. The proposition put up to the voters of AlbionSchool district for the sum of $150,000 for the purpose of erecting the first unit of what will eventually be acomplete high school building, was carried by a majority of 617 in favor, and 578 against. People came inswarms. Never before in the city’s history have the people flocked to the polling place to settle a school matteras they did yesterday. A pool would cost approximately $25,000. A place in the new building will be reservedfor the pool and it will be installed as soon as the necessary funds are at hand."
"Albion Office Sued for Damages. Papers were served last night by Deputy Sheriff G. U. McCarty onOffice Albert Schwer, city night policeman, as the opening move in a suit for damages amounting to $5,000false imprisonment which was started in the circuit court yesterday afternoon by Charles Sprague, DalrympleSt. grocer.
"January 6, 1922. "One hundred and fifty newly minted 1921 Peace Dollars were received at the Commercial & Savings Bank this morning. The design is a most pleasing relief from that of the dollars of recentyears. [NOTE: A 1921 Peace Dollar in uncirculated condition today in 2022 is worth approximately $500because of its low mintage]"
"The consolidated school district south of Albion finds that its taxes are lower than any other part ofAlbion Township. This consolidated district is made up of the Babcock, King, South Albion, and Farleydistricts, and still maintains four separate schools. The district pays a thousand dollars or more in the way oftuition to Albion and Homer High Schools for older pupils who attend the city schools.
"January 9, 1922. "Attorney Levi S. Warren, a well-known resident of this city, passed away at 7 o’clockSunday evening at his home, 105 E. Oak St, age 77 years.
"January 10, 1922. "New Company to Take Over Albion Mine. "After weeks of negotiations, a deal hasbeen consummated to make the coal properties north of this city one of the best equipped in the United States.Chicago and Milwaukee interests have been induced to make large investments here and to form a $350,000corporation known as the People’s Coal Mining Company, which will succeed the Albion Coal Mining Company.
"January 12, 1922. "Albion College Gymnasium is Ruined by Fire. The Albion College gymnasium waspractically destroyed by fire this morning…Chapel exercises at the college were just coming to a close when thefire broke out."
January 20, 1922. "Wills A. Litle becomes sole owner of the retail hardware business conducted on S.Superior St. under the name of Litle and Johnson. Litle and Johnson started their partnership in August 1921,when they bought the hardware stock of O. B. Granger in the present location.
"January 25, 1922: "St. John’s church is draped in black and purple, in common with all Catholicchurches throughout the world, in memory of the late Pope Benedict XV, and the draperies will remain up untilthe Pope’s funeral.
"January 27, 1922: "Leonard Hagerman, son of Frank Hagerman, Crandall St., underwent an operationfor appendicitis in the city hospital last night, it being an emergency case. He is doing nicely."
"The people of the State of Michigan, by prosecuting attorney Cleary, began suit in the circuit courtThursday against N. Michlowicz of Albion to collect $1,000 on a forfeited bond. Sam Lafer of Albion wasarrested for violating the prohibition law and on May 28 he gave a $1,000 bond signed by the above defendantfor his appearance at the September term of court. He failed to show up at that time and the one following,thereby forfeiting the amount of the bond.
"January 31, 1922: "Today is the 55th anniversary of the opening of the Howard Meat Market. GeorgeHoward, the original owner and proprietor, has always been active in the company."